Sunday, January 9, 2011

IJMLand's Gold Mine - Year 2011

« Reply #3 on: Today at 12:44:40 AM »
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Dear einvest88, the dilemma of Malaysian construction firm is, Malaysian stock market only rallied for less than one year now, the O&G and steel commodities already begin to rally this 2011.  This implies that, those second & third liner construction stock with low PE, are a bit too late to receive money from the share market now in order to develop their real estate properties, unless those waiting for goverment ETP funding like Karambunai.

IJMLand is a very lucky star, because it receives high PE like more than 25 for few years already.  Which means that, their projects already kicked off even before food inflation began last year and commodities rally begins this year.   To many investors, 2011 marks the year of commodities rally.  The accumulation IJMLand's real estate stock over the years would turn into a big gold mine now.

To me, a construction stock which receives a high PE is a very good & healthy sign.  I suggest to investors that, they should continue to support IJMLand. 

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