罗杰斯:未来将出现超级通胀 2010/12/09 5:41:11 PM ●南洋商报 (纽约9日讯)著名投资家罗杰斯依然看好大宗商品的前景。 日前他在出席一个会议时暗示,未来将出现超级通胀,而物价上涨压力下,“未来几年美国利率将涨得非常、非常、非常高”,同期股市表现将难以令人乐观。 罗杰斯指出,鉴于宽松的货币政策以及美国和一些西方国家高企的债务水平,商品市场整体看好。 “如果全球经济好转,大宗商品将因供应短缺而价格上涨;而如果全球经济没有好转,世界各国央行势必继续大印钞票,这种情况下实实在在的资产才能起到保值作用。” 他预计金价最终将涨至每安士2000美元(6280令吉)上方。 周二,国际现货金价创下1430.95美元(4493.18令吉)的历史纪录。 罗杰斯在路透2011投资前景峰会上暗示了未来出现超级通胀的可能性。 |
207 | Stock Markets / KLSE / Re: 罗杰斯:未来将出现超级通胀 | on: December 10, 2010, 12:52:24 AM | ||||||
Jim Rogers "the 19th century was the century of the UK , the 20th century was the century of the US , the 21 st century is going to be the century of China " The government's debt structure puts them on track to have to pay over 35% of their tax receipts to interest payments on the debt within the next 10 years. The government's cost of borrowing will skyrocket. The Fed will bail them out by printing even more money, and we will have a hyper-inflationary great depression. Seriously, if you look at the government debt situation, you will realize that the eventual options are default or inflation, and governments always chooses inflation Jim Rogers :"...No matter what happens, America is going to continue to print money. Unfortunately that is all America knows to do, it is not the right thing to do, it is not good for the world, but that is all America knows to do. If there is war, they are going to print money. If there is not war, they are going to print money and so whenever there has been money printing, the result has been that you should have your money in real assets. It has been a pretty clear thing throughout history. The real assets are the only way to protect yourself. Real assets are basically the only way to protect yourself in time of war. ..." in www.economictimes.indiatimes.com
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